Work package WP6 – Project Quality Control & Monitoring (QPLM) (Lead University: MMUST)
- To provide mechanisms for Project’s quality control and monitoring
- To provide continuous quality control of project deliverables.
- To highlight the skills qualification needed by the Somali refugees for an operative professional career.
- Develop the capacity of the HEIs in Kenya for enhanced soft skills qualification units to provide Somali refugees and graduates with functioning job service prospects.
- Building the capacity and promoting the competences of local specialists
- Building the capacity and skills structure of the administrators from the HEIs in Kenya
- To increase the capacity of the targeted university graduate researchers: through development of training and teaching module/s.
- Develop the project platform to strengthen the accessibility of education and employment through new occupation enhancing strategies
T6.1: Quality Assurance Planning:
T6.2: Quality control of WP deliverables:
T6.3: Course evaluations:
T6.4: Advisory Board Creation:
T6.5: Final Dissemination meeting:
D6.1 – Interim Report
D6.2 – Impact/Final Study Reports and Policy Briefs
- Project monitoring, evaluation and dissemination (Interim and Impact/Final) reports prepared and completed for submission